Sponsor (Free Amount)



Why donnate?

Become a very important Person within the financing process of the next Skinny Jim Tennessee production. Money in Art is a tough one! If there wouldn’t be alot of private investments and that fire of love for our thing our Instruments and Voices would have gone silent a long time ago. Producing new Material is a huge process costing something around CHF 5000.- to CHF 30’000.-. Composing, rehearsing, Infrastructure, Studio-Rent, Recording-Engineer, Mixing Process, Mastering, Artwork, Booking, Transportation. All those people work hard and have to be payed. And we think they should be.

Goodie Scale

CHF 100.- Know for yourself that you have done something very cool

CHF 500.- Get a personal Phonecall from Skinny Jim Tennessee and chat a bit

CHF 1000.- Get mentioned at the next Concert

CHF 2’500.- Have a Dinner with the whole band

CHF 5’000.- Get a personal Concert at your place

CHF 10’000.- Lifetime Guestlist

CHF 20’000.- We have nothing more to offer. You are just a altruistic philantrope wo knows where money needs to be invested